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Fig. 1 | Revista Chilena de Historia Natural

Fig. 1

From: New records of Leopardus guigna in its northern-most distribution in Chile: implications for conservation

Fig. 1

New records of L. guigna in its northern-most distribution. a Context of the current complete known distribution for L. guigna. Brown-shaded area corresponds to the geographical distribution of the northern subspecies L. g. tigrillo, grey-shaded area corresponds to the southern subspecies L. g. guigna. b Previous northern-most published record [26] is shown in blue spot: 6. Catapilco. c New records (this study) are shown in black spots: 1. Cerro Palo Colorado, 2. Cerro Santa Inés, 3. Quebrada Manantiales, 4. Los Molles, 5. Bioparque Puquén. Priority sites and nature sanctuary: PS SI&CP = Priority Site Cerro Santa Inés and Coast of Pichidangui, PS LM-P = Priority Site Los Molles-Pichidangui, NS CSI = Nature Sanctuary Cerro Santa Inés. Vegetation formations as described in Luebert and Pliscoff [18]. CMSF1 = Coastal Mediterranean Sclerophyll Forest (Cryptocarya alba-Peumus boldus), CMSF2 = Coastal Mediterranean Sclerophyll Forest (Lithrea caustica-Cryptocarya alba), CMSAS=Coastal Mediterranean Sclerophyll Arborescent Scrub (Peumus boldus-Schinus latifolius). Major villages and cities, municipalities and the Coquimbo-Valparaiso regional administrative limit are shown in the maps

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