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Table 2 Anatomical description of the landmarks used for three-dimensional geometric morphometric analyses. Anatomical description followed to Martínez et al. [32]

From: Morphological variation in two sigmodontine rodents along the mainland and the Fuegian archipelago in Chilean southern Patagonia


Anatomical description


Rostralmost point of the nasal bones


Intersection of the nasofrontal suture in the midline


Intersection of the coronal and sagittal sutures


Intersection of the sagittal and parietal-interparietal sutures


Caudal end of the curvature of the occipital bone

6 and 7

Rostralmost point of the rostral palatine fissure, left and right

8 and 9

Caudalmost point of the palatine fissure, left and right


Caudalmost point of the suture between palatine bones and the rostral border of the mesopterygoid fossa


Rostralmost point of the foramen magnum

12 and 13

Rostralmost point of the molar row, left and right

14 and 15

Caudalmost point of the molar row, left and right

16 and 17

Lateralmost point of the foramen magnum, left and right

18 and 19

Rostralmost point of the zygomatic arch, left and right

20 and 21

Caudalmost point of the zygomatic arch, left and right